關於asian eyes的評價, Jordan Yeoh
Today, when people see my work, ultimately my body, some people will put a label on me as "given" "t...
Today, when people see my work, ultimately my body, some people will put a label on me as "given" "t...
Did u see my eyes ?? Can i get some 😜 🩸 blood ?! F...
好開心連續獲得第四年的「亞洲最性感女DJ」連冠軍 🏆。但是有些人說我32歲老了,有些人說我已經很久...
Keep your eyes on the goal, and just keep taking t...
黃明志致敬郭富城的【對妳愛完了】@亞洲通才 2020 Asian Polymath 【對妳愛完了 ...
籌備了整整一年的時間,我的新專輯《亞洲通才》終於推出了! 裡面有我和團隊們一整年的心血,是一張極具娛...
日本防衛大臣講到出面,想日本名正言順做第六隻眼。 #SixEyes 報導: 《Nikkei As...
"Akiko," acrylic, colored pencil & ink on watercol...
How about small asian eyes? Haha!...
Namewee黃明志 Ft. DJ Jerry羅百吉+Luxy Girls【Stop Clubbin...